Dry biomass and the annual biomass growth in Finnish forests since 1921
In the Carbon husbandry with trees, and forests in general, it is logical to add the treetop, the branches (including the foliage) and the roots into the stock of the solid stems. The total biomass is most logical to estimate in dry tons. The basic measurement also for Sink Forests is in the stems, as solid cubic meters in one stem, or solid cubic meters per one hectare. Picture 1. Cubic meters easily measurerable in Scots pine forest in South Finland (Kiikala) In the Finnish forest inventory series between 1921 - 2019 the total biomass stock (in dry tons) has been measured three times for the periods NFI 11 (2009-2013), NFI 12 (2014-2018) and NFI 12/13 (2015-2019). With normal statistical sampling plots this was done together with the normal solid cubic meters inventory. Picture 2. Shares of solid cubic meters in tree classes in the three last Forest inventories (NFI 11 - NFI 13). The Finnish forests are typically coniferous forests. They cover 80 pe...
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