Forest Carbon number and Forest Carbon flux, per forest hectare, in Japan since 1966

Forest carbon number for a special year tells how many tons of elementary Carbon per forest hectare, there are stored in the trees - in solid stems, branches, foliage and roots. Forest carbon number can be calculated at besides national level, also at farm forest level, at regional forests level, as well as at global forests level. In the following example the calculation have been done for Japan at national level.

Forest carbon number is calculated by dividing the total carbon stock (c, tn C) at certain time point (t, years) with the forest land area (fl, hectares) of the selected area.

fc(t) = c(t) / fl(t)

Carbon stock (c, million tons elementary Carbon)) equation for Japanese forests is

c(t) = 0.23646* t^2 - 917,09 * t + 889688

Forest land (fl) equation is

fl(t) = -0.0071347* t + 39.324

The development of forest carbon number (fc) for Japanese forests is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Development of Forest carbon number (fc) in Japan since 1961.

The average Forest carbon number for Japan has been increasing from 1961, at a bit accelerated manner. In 2020 the calculated Forest carbon number is 81.4 tn C/ha. As compared to for instance the Finnish Forest Carbon number, the Japanese number is clearly higher. In 2020 the calculated Forest Carbon in Finland is 36.3 tn C/ha.

Forest carbon flux (cf) is the derivative for the Carbon stock equation

cf = dfc / dt = (fc'(t) * fl(t) - fc(t) * fl'(t)) / (fl(t))^2

fc' is the derivative for forest carbon number (fc)

fl' is the derivative for forest land area (fl)

The Forest carbon flux in Japan after 1961 is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Forest Carbon flux (cf) in Japanese forests since 1921.

The Forest carbon flux from average Japanese forest hectare has been positive Carbon sink flux at least since 1961. For the year 2020 the calculated value for the Carbon sink flux is 1560 kg C/ha/a. Again, it is considerably higher than the Carbon sink flux for instance in Finland. In 2020 the theoretical flux in Finland is 413 kg C/ha/a


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