Total Carbon stock, and trees Carbon source or sink flux in Finnish forests since 1921

The content of elementary Carbon in the dry biomass is quite constant of 50 per cent, of the dry weight. In simplified calculations this percentage can be used for the dry biomass of trees, for the dry biomass of grasses and cereals as well as the for the young humus in the soil. The coefficient for trees, Carbon multiplier (CM) for calculations of Carbon from solid cubic meters, can be calculated in a similar manner as the calculation of dry biomass multiplier . Picture 1. Abundant Carbon stock in the Scots pine forest, Kuusamo Also in the total forest growing Carbon stock, it is logical to sum the stems, the branches including the foliage, and the roots. Mathematically the solid cubic meters in the stems (s, cubic meters) can be converted into total Carbon stock (c, tons C) with a coefficient or carbon multiplier (CM). (1) c = CM * s Calculated as average from the Finnish forest inventories VMI 11 and VMI 12 the Carbon Multiplier is (2) ...